Le président américain a demandé mardi à Joseph Kabila de « respecter la Constitution » et souligné « l’importance de la tenue dans les délais d’élections crédibles« .
De manière régulière, les Etats-unis semble distiller un message unique à destination du président Congolais Joseph Kabila : « respectez la Constitution« . John Kerry avait déjà martelé l’avertissement en mai 2014 à Kinshasa, relayé par Russ Feingold en février : « le transfert de pouvoir doit se faire de manière démocratique » au Congo avait-il déclaré. Cette fois, c’est au téléphone que Joseph Kabila s’est vu signifier le message, de la voix même de Barack Obama. Le président américain a demandé à son homologue africain de « respecter la Constitution » de son pays, dans un contexte politique très tendu en RDC. L’opposition craint en effet que le président Joseph Kabila ne s’accroche à son fauteuil après 2016, date de la fin de son deuxième et dernier mandat. Une modification de la loi fondamentale pourrait lui permettre de briguer un troisième mandat. Même si cette perspective s’éloigne, après l’exemple malheureux de Blaise Compaoré au Burkina-Faso, beaucoup doutent de la volonté du leader congolais de vouloir partir à l’issu de son mandat.
L’exemple nigérian
Dans un communiqué plutôt explicite, la Maison blanche explique que le président Obama « a souligné l’importance de la tenue dans les délais d’élections crédibles et pacifiques qui respectent la Constitution de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)« . Obama a tout de même salué le bilan du président congolais « qui est parvenu à sortir la RDC de la guerre et a placé le pays sur la route d’un progrès démocratique continu que des élections justes et libres de 2016 devraient consolider« . Une conversation et un message qui résonnent particulièrement au moment où le Nigéria, vient de tourner démocratiquement, en toute transparence et sans violence, la page Goodluck Jonathan… visiblement un exemple à suivre.
Christophe RIGAUD – Afrikarabia
il faut bien respecter la constitution avec l’amnitie générale de la républigue démcratigue du
congo pour les élections libre et démocratigue en 2016!
Fraternellement à vous.
RICHARD LION RDF participated in Kimia 1, Kimia 2, Umoja Wetu, Amani Leo, Amani Kamilifu. Most of these RDF are M23 reelbs masquerading as Fardc. Unlike General Nkunda who is authentic true Congolese, Terminator Ntaganda is a Rwandese Citizen. But, Kagame wants the world to believe that Ntaganda is Congolese. Kagame wants to force Ntaganda down Congo’s throat as he did for Kabarebe who was MADE Congolese and Congo’s Chief of Staff. Today Kararebe has returned back to his Rwandese nationality of origin in Kigali. It will be the same for Ntaganda when he gives his place of birth, his home permanent residence and address in Kinigi, his past professional experience in the RPF (from October 1, 1990 to 1996 in Rwanda, and from 1996 to March 2013: RPF Expeditionary Forces in Zaire/Drc embedded in Afdl, Rcd-Goma, UPC-Lubanga in Ituri, Cndp and M23). Even his ICC arrest warrant clearly states he is of Rwandese nationality. President Kabila allowed RDF SPECIAL FORCES and DMI to carry out targeted assassination of Fdlr leaders on Congo soil. They killed the FDLR Chief of Staff Col. Mugaragu and an elite battalion’s commander Col. Kanzeguhera. Other several important Fdlr officers have also been wiped out by those RDF commandos. Kabila has done everything possible to comply with Rwanda’s security demands about Fdlr (this Fdlr thing being the underlying root cause of Rwanda chronic aggressions of the Drc, according to Kagamists). But, Rwanda is not an honest peace broker. It is Rwanda who created the current Fdlr leaders. It is worth to note that there are two Fdlr: One still commanded by General Rwarakabije, a former Fdlr Chief of staff who defected to Kigali from where he still coordinates operations inside Kivu aimed to sabotaging the DRRR (disarmament, demobilisation and repatriation, reintegration and resettlement) operations. It is this group that carries out massive rapes and killings in Kivu, and it is used to manufacture blackmails and treason charges against Rwandese opposition figures like Mushayidi, Ingabire, Rusesabagina of Hotel Rwanda, General Kayumba, Colonel Karegeya, etc. The Fdlr-Rwarakabije includes Fdlr combatants who are repatriated from Drc, sent to Rwanda, demobilized, and then sent back to DRC, when the need arises. So, it’s a vicious circle. THE FDLR WILL NEVER GO AWAY BECAUSE KAGAME WANTS IT TO REMAIN ALIVE SO HE CAN CASH ON IT AND BUILD HIS PROPAGANDA ON THE ENDLESS MENACE THE GROUP REPRESENTS TO RWANDA. The second group of Fdlr includes chicken and pig thieves, bandits who were in conflict with Rwarakabije in the bush; and who are afraid of returning to Rwanda; especially now that General Rwarakabije is the Head of Rwandan prisons. The problem for Rwanda is not this Fdlr-Rwarakabije or theses potato and goat thieves. The problem is how to open political space so that 15% of Tutsi and 85% of Hutus can share power, either by democratic means (one person, one voice), or by political design (like in Burundi: 40%-60%). Instead of burying their head in the sand and masturbating themselves politically, Kagamists have to realise that everything has a beginning and an end. This phony political discourse of saying that there are no tribes in Rwanda is a lie. How come then there are tribes in the sister republic of Burundi? How come then there are Tutsi in Kivu? Why does Kagame keep asking rights for Congolese Tutsis but keep silence about Rwandese Hutus’ rights? Why can Kagame ask Kabila to rule Congo BY RESPECTING ETHNIC REPRESENTATIONS yet Kagame himself does not do that in his own army in Rwanda? How many Hutus are in the High Command? Why does Kagame ask Congo to do what Rwanda does not do? In Congo, Tutsis represent less than 1% of the total population. Yet, in Kivu, 90% of colonels in Fardc are Tutsis. Congolese Tutsis are very much afraid of the M23 war backlash! They know that RPF will come and go, but Congolese Tutsis will have to live with their fellow brothers and sisters Congolese citizens whose families have been wiped out by Ntaganda and other criminals on Kagame’s payroll.